Sunday, April 11, 2010

There's is a will, there's is...

Just another awake night, with my latte coffee... There's many things flying inside my head, and in Meredith Grey's term it called thinking. This month will be a terrific month. Ha, cant hardly wait to face it. Last month, my boss said that my contract certainly will extend. At least for 1 year ahead. But its never gonna be that simple, i have to take certification ALu Router program this month. And of course with PASS grade. Everytime i see the study guide book, fiuuh i just saw it and made as my pillow. Nobody said it easy :( Then, this month i have to start working on my essay. I still remember how i did my last final project in D3, just like the hell. These two big things, you mix it and put into your head. Hahaha, this gonna be AW'SEM!!
But i'm pretty sure i will survive and going through it. Anonymous said, where there's a will there's a way. Maybe I just need a little harder efforts, some lucks and praying. No more for lazing and wasting time. I need to reach my targets, at least until this end month. Pray for me people, the day month has come and here I am.


Okit Jr said...

inget neng..
dulu kita pernah melewati masa masa suram pas STM dulu..
intimidasi dari sana sani...
kita tetep utuh berdiri..

restuku ingkang kathah, nduk..
--menepuk bahu...

'Moens' Nila Puspita said...

bwahaha, yg paling berat emg intimidasi dr dlm...
syukurlah dulu diparingi Gusti Pangeran rasa sabaaaarr yg berlipat2, meskipun hrs wushu trus saban hari...

matur nuwun mbah kakung...
wish me luck!!

Shring Yuuuk said...

You're not alone, Alot spirit around you. You wont collapse just bcoz of that. Cayooo

Anonymous said...

mari stm kita pernah merasakan yang namanya perjuangan sampe batas titik nadir -hosh-

banyak canda dan darah tumpah
wushu? inget seseorang *menunjuk dengan binal seonggok wajah bernama mimikri

dan...finally...setelah saya ngesot dan tertatih jeng, aku bisa melwati tahap itu *senyum puas

you can do it jeng... *berjuang melawan rasa malas :D